We have different career assessments for different groups. It starts from 5th class to professionals. Candidate can select assessment based on your current stage. All the assessments are highly accuracy and reliabile.
Our career assessment explores the 5 dimensions of the candidate. It includes, Personality analysis, Career Interest analysis, Career motivators analysis, learning style analysis and Skills & Abilities analysis.
Both are 5 dimensional career assessment. In Free Suitability, candidate can get analysis of one career path of their choice with free 3 pages basic report. In Comprehensive plan, career analysis will be done across 160+ career paths and 2000+ Occupations to find out the best career path for you. Comprehensive 28+ pages career report with execution plan will help you to achieve career goals.
Yes, very much. This is the biggest advantage every student is having. Once assessment is done student can generate unlimited comprehensive 28+ pages comprehensive reports of different career paths. It is important to know you most preferred career paths but equally it is important to know about career paths that you should avoid or develop.
No, you do not need to give assessment again. Once assessment is done, you can upgrade any time. System will automatically analyze all career paths and generate comprehensive report. Our powerful Artificial intelligence engine will unlock all the career path analysis.
Candidates who are opting career counseling in early stages of their education life cycle, will be having high ratio of success. You will be having enough time to plan and execute the suggestions. Before venturing into career, take informed career decision. It will save lots of time and money.
Yes, definitely. We are having more than 1400+ empanelled career counselors across 48 + Locations. You can see their profiles, ratings, experience and book appointment online. No charges upfront.
We are highest rated career counseling platform in India ( Source- Google reviews). Our career counselors are highly qualified, experienced and well trained. Our counselors have delivered more than 2,000 career counselings with highest ratings.
Yes, definitely. After getting free suitability report of your selected career path, if you decide later to get detailed guidance from our career counsellors, you always have the option to upgrade to face to face counseling session. You can do so after completion of the assessment. You do not need to do separate assessment once again.
We do not charge upfront for career assessment. Post completion of the assessment, you will be connected with our career counsellor. You can pay through online payment.
Comprehensive career assessment takes around 45 minutes to complete.